Time certainly flies when you are having fun, and the summer seems to already be winding down after a LOT of fun. We have had the first round of Student Orientation and Registration (SOAR) and have another series scheduled for next week. There is an excellent group of new students entering the Honors Program for fall 2014. I am so excited to see how the new year shapes up! And, of course, we have the priceless returning students from last year who are ready to mentor those new freshmen. Changes on the SAU Tech campus are taking place with the opening of the new Student Center and Gym along with the completion of construction on the new campus apartments. Various offices on campus are moving to new locations over the summer. We are excited about the changes on our campus!
There are a couple of fundraisers coming up to be aware of. The Bookstore donated an iPad Mini for us to use for a fundraiser. So, we will be selling tickets for a chance to win the iPad. Tickets are $1 each or $10 for 15 entries. Tickets are available by contacting Honors students or in Jenny Sanders' office. We will draw for the winner at Student Appreciation Day on August 27. The more tickets we sell, the more opportunities we will have for some fun activities this year! Another fundraiser coming up (pending approval) is a repeat of the Yankee Candle Fundraiser. The fall catalog will have the fall/winter scents and will make great Christmas gifts. More info to come....
Plans are in the works for a ceremony to kick off the year and a trip to Altitude in Little Rock shortly after school starts. We will also make a schedule for regular meetings to share information and socialize as a group. Keep an eye out for details!
Hopefully, you students are enjoying some time for fun this summer (even those of you taking summer classes). The fall semester will be here before you know it!