We lost an Honors angel this week. Taylor Watkins was tragically killed in a car accident on Monday, March 13. Her loss has affected Honors alumni who went through the program with her and current Honors students as her boyfriend is a current student. Saying she will be missed is an understatement.
Taylor was one of a kind. Talented, artistic, witty, loving, bright, unique, a brilliant writer, and incredibly intelligent are words that describe her, but Taylor was so much more. Taylor gave selflessly to others and spent her life in service to others. She lit up a room when she entered. And when she left the room, people were forever changed.
We mourn our loss in her passing, but our lives are much richer for having known her.
SAU Tech Honors Program
The SAU Tech Honors Program seeks and admits qualified students who seek to pursue a serious academic program with equally gifted peers and committed teachers. Honors classes are small and provide academically enriching opportunities for students and the faculty who teach them. Anyone interested in applying to the Honors College or seeking further information should contact the Director, Jenny Sanders (jsanders@sautech.edu; 870-574-4530).
Tuesday, March 14, 2017
Monday, November 7, 2016
Fall 2016 Honors
The fall semester is wrapping up, and this has been a great group of Honors Students. Ten new students were accepted in to the program. Some of them are pictured below!
This group is very diverse. Some of them have known one another for years, and other started school at SAU Tech without knowing another student on campus. They come from various backgrounds and cultures. In an effort to get to know one another and recognize similarities and differences, each student in Honors Seminar created a "diversity collage" that detailed things that make them unique. They then shared those creations with their classmates.
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Chase McLelland |
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Lauren Stone |
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Will Frey |
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Aaryn Avant |
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Tori Duvall |
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Gunner Cook |
The Honors Program students are sponsoring a Final Exam Study Session on Monday, November 28 at 4:00-8:00 pm in the basement of the Administration Building. They will be providing snacks and door prizes for students who attend! In preparation for the event, the Honors students will be meeting to cook snacks and share a meal together.
They also are planning to go to Little Rock to ice skate over the Christmas break! More pics to come....
Friday, May 13, 2016
2016 Graduation
Graduation 2016 is in the books! The SAU Tech Honors Program graduated several students who have made a lasting impact on this campus. They leave big shoes to fill for the next class!
Commencement was held in the Student Center at SAU Tech on May 12, 2016 at 7:00 pm. It was a packed house, and the Honors Program had 5 students graduate with at least 12 hours of Honors coursework and a cumulative 3.25 GPA.
Our first set of sisters in the Honors Program graduated on the same night! I am so proud of these two young ladies!!
Blaise Scharbor was the student speaker during the graduation event. She served as a Student Ambassador while at SAU Tech and was the Academic All-Star. She even recruited Natalie to come to SAU Tech!
Several of our graduates were awarded transfer scholarships to 4 year universities!
Nicole was accepted into the Honors College at Henderson State University!
And we were so glad to see Jessica Flannigan return for our graduation ceremony. This young lady has finished her first year at SAU after graduating from SAU Tech and the Honors Program last year.
We had to have a little fun along the way!
"There is a good reason they call these ceremonies
"commencement exercises."
Graduation is not the end; it's the beginning."
--Orrin Hatch
Thursday, December 3, 2015
This I Believe--Alyssa
The Power of Perspective
I believe perspective can be rather
important when faced with difficult situations.
I have been through many different seasons of life, good and bad. At the time, that was exactly how I labeled
them, good and bad. Yet when I look back
at those game changing moments, I try looking at them in another way. By doing this, I go back and “re-label” those
For example, I recently went through
a situation in which I had finally become friends with and eventually the
girlfriend of the guy that I had like for three years. I was ecstatic, and I went on many memorable
adventures with him and his friends. It
was a season that I labeled as “good”. Then
there were some trying times in our relationship, and he broke off the
relationship. Though he did it in a kind
way, I was devastated. My best friend
began to ignore me, and the other friends I had come to know slightly began
avoiding me. This I labeled as a “bad”
As I went through the months after
that, I began looking back and realizing a few things. I thought about how much I had changed, and
how I was not as afraid to be myself.
This was a good thing about the relationship, but then I started
pointing out other things. First, I had
compromised college for him. I had
planned on going to a ministry school since seventh grade, and took a totally
different direction from that. Second, I
feel like I became more critical. He and
his friends could be rather critical, and unfortunately, I picked up the
habit. Lastly, because I am a Christian,
I believe that my walk with God was not as strong. I put the relationship with my boyfriend as
priority over Him. Looking at it from
that perspective, I cannot simply label that as a good season. Sure it was enjoyable, but I had to put a
different label on it.
So with the break up that I initially
labeled as “bad,” I can now go back and see the good in it. I again decided to go to ministry school
beginning in January. Sure I might not
have gone to ministry school right away, but I had the opportunity to further
my education. I now have the opportunity
to continue with my college education, and pursue my dreams. I was also able to make friends at college,
and I know that I will make more when I go off to ministry school. To top that all off, my walk with God became
strong again, and I feel blessed to be close to the Lord again. It is now hard for me to label this season as
bad after realizing all of that.
So, with all of that said, I realized
that perspective is powerful. It has the
power to change minds and situations. It
can teach us important lessons that can strengthen and empower us. So, before you decide if the glass is half
empty or half full, or look at a situation for what it seems to be, remember,
perspective is key.
This I Believe--Natalie
some point in your life you will ask yourself what’s next, what do I do now? As
you take steps in life this is a frequently asked question to not only
yourself, but to others as well. When you learn to drive or graduate from high
school there are questions that follow these major steps in life. Like what’s next?
do I do now that I’m out of high school? What is going to happen next? What
steps do I take next? Those are only a couple of questions that I faced when leaving
high school and being considered somewhat an adult. You never know what exactly
is going to happen next, no one ever will. Having a game plan going into your
first year of college or starting a new job is the best method I believe, like
what field you are wanting to major in or if you are going to start at a two
year school where will you go to finish. You may still ask yourself what’s
next, but it won’t be because you don’t know but simply because you aren’t sure
what to do in the situation you are put in.
All throughout life
there are several decisions that are faced with growing older like simple
decisions and more in depth decisions that will affect the rest of your life
and you don’t want to be burdened with the what if’s. Some people are certain
and know step by step what they are going to take throughout their career path,
but there may be some bumps that appear along the way and it all depends on how
you deal with the bump in the road to get back on the right track. Even if the
bump may be bigger than you think and takes longer to overcome it’s all part of
the plan.
I have graduated my life has made a complete 360 degree turn I believe for the
better. Starting my first year of college I was two hours away from home living
the college athlete life trying to become a nursing major. I was constantly
asking myself what’s next, because I was not mentally ready to manage
everything that was on my schedule. Some days I felt there was not enough hours
in the day to possibly get everything done and some days I felt that I had no
clue what I was going to happen the next day. I contemplated several life
changing decisions because of the circumstances that I was put in. No, I do not
regret going to be a college athlete. I loved every minute of it and miss it
like crazy, but now I can say that I am more focused on my career and education
than ever before and I do not question myself or doubt myself like before.
are bound to appear with the process of life whether it be about world crime,
politics, personal decisions or a career path. There are several instances that
I’ve asked What’s next, for example when you are going through a really tough
time in your life and you feel the need to give up because nothing is going
right, you simply ask what’s next.
Monday, November 30, 2015
This I Believe--BrieAnn
If there is one thing that I believe
to be true it is that family should be the most important aspect in your life,
aside from religious beliefs.
have found that a family person has always seemed to be happier with life, or
maybe they just seemed to enjoy it a little more. Your family will always be
there to support you and have your back when nobody else does. If everyone held
their families close to them and every family was close, then I feel like
people would be happier with their life. Sure there would probably still be
“family drama” and such, but it probably would not be as bad as if families
were not close.
family should be the people that you can always count on and call up anytime
you are in need. To me family is not always who you are “blood kin” to either,
family can mean many different things; I consider my really close and true
friends to be apart of my family.
older I get the more I realize that family really is forever. The worse this
world gets the more I begin to tell myself that you should hold your loved ones
close, even closer than ever before. The love that your family has for you, is
a love that you can not get from anyone nor any other thing in this world; it
is one of a kind.
my grandparents were growing up the world was a whole different place, which of
course it was right? Because things are always changing and nothing stays the
same. My grandparents talk about their family and how it was growing up, and I
just think “man I wish I had that, I wish things were how they use to be.” Of
course I am close to my “immediate family” as we call it, but half of my family
I barely even know if I know them at all which to me, is sad.
just believe that newer generations should make a difference, change the way
things have become, make sure your kids know their family, make sure it is
close. At least try your best to.
This I Believe--KJ
In my 18 years of
experience in life, I’ve come to realize that it’s all in the music. Now I
know, that probably doesn’t make sense right now, but it will in the end. Every
step you take makes a sound, and those steps take you on a journey. Your steps
are in rhythm, just like the beat of a drum. The ambiance of your breath, the
reverb of your voice, all come together to make the song of life. Not just life in general, but your life, one that will never be duplicated, it’s as if you have
your own personal copyrights.
Just like your every step makes a sound, your every
decision sends out a sound wave into the universe. Just like your voice echoes
off into the distance, causing the action of hearing to happen within another’s
ears, the same thing happens with the choices we make in life. There is always
somebody who looks up to you and watches your every mood. May it be a younger
cousin, baby brother, or sister, or maybe just a kid in your community? They
see the things you do and try to imitate. Therefore if all you do is send off
waves of negative behavior, that’s what they will pick up. Some of us just
don’t know how influential we are.
If you were a rapper, or a singer, would you spend all of
your time trying to promote a song that was terrible, or one that could be one
of the world’s greatest hits? You see, I actually do music, and I’ve come to
realize that it’s not always about who you are and what you do, but about the
sound or quality of the music. This holds to be true in life. You may not come
from a 2 parent home, had the best grades in school, or have been the most
popular, but you can still turn out to be someone. Some of the world’s greatest
music have been stories of struggle, and so have some of the world’s greatest
So no matter who you are, no matter where you come from,
if you let God pattern your steps to a steady rhythm, let the ambiance of your
breath, and the reverb of your voice come together in perfect harmony. You can
compose one of the greatest songs of all time.
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